Any computer wizard's out today? need advice to replace my harddrive, it was a dell, dimension e 310 on budget:}this s?

Need advice to replace my harddrive, it was a dell, dimension e 310 on budget:}this s MY BEST FRIENDS CHILD spilled tea all over keyboard, ACCIDENT, OF COURSE,,etc, the physical memory was gone before I could get across the room. LOST ALL DRIVES, ALL MEMORY, NO SMOKE, A BIT DIRTY INSIDE, ,HAD A SLIGHT PROBLEM BEFORE WITH DEVICE MANAGER, CACHE, AND EXPLOYER NOT DISPLAYING PROPERPLY, BUT OTHER THAN THAT, IT WAS SWEET, I M NOT A PC WHIZ, OK, ANY IDEAS, I WAS TOLD I CAN T AFFORD WHAT I HAD,SO I PAY HALF THEY SAID TRY TO CLEAN AND REPLACE THE PARTS, OR BUY A REFURBISHED, HELP SANDEE Asked by sandradee 42 months ago Similar questions: computer wizard's today advice replace harddrive dell dimension 310 budget }this Computers > Software.

Similar questions: computer wizard's today advice replace harddrive dell dimension 310 budget }this.

My answer. Don't feel bad... it happens. If you just want to get a working computer then I recommend that you find a Circuit City or Best Buy store in your area.

You can sometimes find computers for $300 - $500, monitor not included. If your old monitor still works then you don't need to get a new one. As far as fixing your old computer, you can try the following.

Unplug everything, and open the case of the computer. Use a blow dryer and blow air thoroughly all over the inside of your computer's case. Leave the case open and let it air-dry over at least a day or two.

Also blow air into the keys of the keyboard. I have heard of people spilling liquids on electronic devices and then after weeks or months it just starts to work again.

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I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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